What is Ergonomics? An Ergonomist and a Chief Ergonomic Officer?

Part of the: Ergonomic Accessories Collection
At JasonL we don't take ourselves too seriously. Professional - Yes Service Orientated - Yes But can we laugh at ourselves? absolutely! If you have a close look at our business cards, all staff can define a creative title for their role. Some of the sales / account managers include; hunter, gatherer. Some of the customer service team include, Santa's little helper. Our CEO's cards read Chief Ergonomic Officer, and our CFO's card reads Chief Ergonomist. One thing we do take very serious is Ergonomics, but what is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics according to wikipedia:
In the office furniture industry you will find this term thrown around all day every day like one might talk about the food they have eaten for the day. However not all chairs were created equal. The design and more importantly the mechanism ensures the chair is more or less ergonomic.Firstly all office chairs should be ergonomic. If they are not they really should not be sold as office chairs, as the focus of an office chair is to support the user while they work. Thus design should be such that enables the user to sit at the desk with support and comfort. In order to achieve this a chair should contour the body. Thus an economically designed chair should contour the shape of a seated person. However as we know humans were never designed to sit for a long period of time, never mind on a chair at a desk for a very long period of time. Furthermore, people are varying shapes and sizes, hence, the need for different mechanisms evolved to suit movement and user type.
Two main types of mechanisms are now used in most office chairs;
1) Stationery or static mechanisms
2) Synchro or free flow mechanisms
We are going to look at these broad categories in more detail below: