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Are office chairs tax-deductible in Australia?

Part of the: Office Chairs Collection

Disclaimer: The following article does not constitute financial advice and you should consult a taxation specialist before making any financial decisions.

Whether you’re a small business owner, sole proprietor or independent contractor you need to always be vigilant in terms of the tax implications related to your business as there are many opportunities for you to claim form tax refunds on purchases. This will ensure you have a nice cash bump every year to push back into those necessary holes to ensure your business grows.

Note: If you’re an employee, you are generally unable to claim these expenses.

One of the bigger expenses within any business is setting up your office space as these are higher ticket items that need to last.

According to if you purchase a desk or chair for your home office and it costs over $300, the percentage of the expense that can be claimed as a tax deduction will be limited to 10% for desks and 20% for chairs. Apportionment between work and personal use will also apply.

These chairs and desks fall under the “Furniture and other office equipment” category. The below list of items are examples of office equipment purchases that can be claimed if they relate to your home office:

  • Desk
  • Chair
  • Monitor/Second screen
  • Riser
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Laptop
  • Webcam
  • Headset

The ATO has announced a new ‘shortcut method’, which is a fixed rate of 80 cents per hour that covers all your work-related expenses - including depreciation and phone/internet costs. This method is only valid for working from home expenses though and only those incurred between 1 Mar - 30 Sep 2020. You can have a look at the PWC article here and then the ATO link is here.

Please note: Whatever you plan on claiming we always recommend that you sit with a tax specialist first to make sure you comply with all regulations.