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Why Should I Buy a Quality Office Chair?

Part of the: Office Chairs Collection

More people than ever are now working from home. But even if you’re just temporarily remote, investing in a good office chair is well worth the cost. 

You probably spend several hours each day sitting at your desk writing, typing, taking video calls. You’ve also probably got a pretty good idea of whether or not your current office chair is doing you any good. And if it isn’t, you should keep reading.

It’s tempting to buy the first inexpensive decent-looking office chair you can find, but that’s not the best idea. If you’re spending more than an hour a day in your chair, there are several good arguments to be made for spending more money, too.

Cheap office chairs are uncomfortable

Cheap office chairs never deliver. They’re never comfortable or ergonomic and are often attributed to causing neck and back pain as well as other health issues. Such issues can make it difficult to keep sitting and doing your job every day, and might even lead to injuries and surgeries (and sky-high medical bills).

While you could just switch to a standing desk, investing in a higher-quality chair is probably all you need. After all, they’re designed with a focus on comfort and support.

They break quicker

Cheap chairs are more likely to wear down and break within a short period since they’re typically made with low-quality materials. Premium chairs, however, are constructed with high-quality durable materials that are designed to hold up to wear and tear over time and (and stay looking pristine).

Warranty issues

Additionally, these inexpensive chairs typically also have short or non-existent warranties, meaning that when your chair starts to break down there might not be anything you can do about it except buy a new one. This could lead to you having to buy a new chair every year or two (if not more often).

Over five or ten years, you could ultimately end up paying more for a handful of inexpensive office chairs than you would have for a single premium chair. That’s lame.

So, to avoid these issues, the solution is spending a little more upfront to purchase a well-made ergonomic chair. We recommend thinking of your office chair as a worthy investment, like a mattress or car, since you use it every day. Be sure to choose one with all the features you want and that includes a solid warranty.

Though it might not seem immediately obvious, office chairs have a ton of features you should know about. Once you’re more familiar with them, you’ll have a better idea of what to look for and you’ll be more prepared to find a chair that’s (literally) a good fit.

At the end of the day, it’s all about whether your office chair is comfortable and properly supports your body, especially if you spend hours in it each day. Any office chair worth its money will offer a variety of things you can adjust to ensure an ergonomic experience. Typically, this can include height adjustment, moving the seat forward or backwards, controlling how far back you can tilt in your seat (and the tension resistance experienced when doing so), and lumbar support.

Inexpensive chairs might offer basic lumbar support and height adjustment, but it’s all of these things together that make a chair ergonomic. And, of course, they’re worthwhile if your budget can stand to pay for them.