Office Design Tips and Trends from the Experts

Part of the: Office Fitout Collection
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The design and layout of the office environment continues to evolve as new technologies, work styles and employee satisfaction enters the environment. The shift away from the traditional style of cubicles and private spaces into the widely adopted hot desking collaboration model quickly became the norm with big cooperation’s around the world changing their office layout and design. However with recent skepticism towards this open plan model 2015 has seen a rise to a new era known as super-customisation. This new era understand the one size doesn’t fit all mentality and rather looks at its employees needs and company’s individual story when it comes to design and space in any office environment, Thus, the office environment needs to be cultivated by smart design tailored to suit individual needs so people are excited about work everyday in a created practical space.Tips and Trends to consider for your Next Office Design
Consequently with adoption of the modern design layout, the bid to tear down hierarchies to promote collaboration and proliferate connectedness at the same time increased the amount of noise and distractions in the office. New offices are trying to bridge this gap between the old and new office design by creating a separate space for creativity still within the open plan environment. Thus these comfortable areas can aid in the creative process and also help when employees need a little time alone. Dedicated relaxation areas are becoming popular too for employees to just chill out.Practical and Functional
Creating the perfect office environment goes past merely aesthetics and more towards the practicality and functionality of the space. The office environment should be a space where productivity is inspired but not to a point of impracticality. When designing the new office layout remember the space needs to work from a practical and functional perspective in a well organized layout. Avoid the clutter as this can impact performance and create stress. Provide mobile caddy and pedestal systems as an organizational solution to create a clean clear functioning space.Cost
When it comes to office design in any open plan environment it is important to not get too caught up with the desire for the most trendy looking workplace. We are all envious of the big IT offices where meetings may take place in cable cars or long stairs being replaced by slides. But whilst Google and Microsoft may be the office dream in terms of design this is far from our reality and way out of our price range.

Google Zurich Office
Whilst open plan offices are ideal for any company because costs are minimized while maximizing the company’s space, designing a new office is not a cheap exercise and can get quite costly. It is important to remember that cutting corners to try and reduce expenses can have a dramatic long-term affect to the overall performance of the company so sometimes the better more expensive route actually is worth it. Remember a well-designed office becomes a much cheaper investment as in the long term a non-functioning office can affect even the smallest tasks by wasting time and causing unnecessary obstructions.Mobility
There is a growing need for flexible office work with the rise of accessible and mobile technologies. Thanks to smartphones, tablets and notebooks the need to be in one location is becoming redundant and access to data can now be achieved almost everywhere. Flexible office work is becoming a trend now that people can access data at home, in decentralized business centers or anywhere on the go.Light
Much of the day is spend indoors and access to natural light in any working environment can have a profound impact on employee productivity and mood. Exposure to natural light is an area that is mostly overlooked when it comes to office design but can make a huge difference to performance. Natural light can offer a wider color spectrum our eyes aren’t used to because of the artificial light inside the office. When natural light occurs our eyes are programmed to adjust to the changing levels of light and therefore helps in seeing the finer details. Natural light can therefore help in eliminating headaches and fatigue. To achieve natural light in any open office environment opt for glass walls for meeting rooms/ private office and get rid of interior walls.Sustainability
Modern offices are getting greener by the minute with a lot of flora being integrated into the overall office design. From grass front desks to feature walls and we are seeing more and more research stating the overall health benefits of plants in the office. However, green isn’t just being incorporated in the form of plants but moving toward architecture that is greener, smarter and lighter in material. The rise of lightweight, movable and pliable materials away from the heavy or solid in design is rising.